Take Your Shot

When I saw Lin Manuel Miranda’s stage play ‘Hamilton’, I remember so vividly the way I felt when he boldly declared “It’s time to take a shot… and I’m not throwin’ away my shot… I’m not throwin’ away my shot”.

I started thinking, sitting in my chair in the theater, ‘Am I throwing away my shot? Am I doing enough to create the life I want? Do I appreciate the options I have? Am I making the most of the opportunities that come to me? Taking my shot. Do I create my own opportunities? Am I taking my shot?

He went on saying ‘Every action’s an act of creation…’ and I’m thinking about this. Every action, every decision, every thought is an actual act of creation. Every act is an act of creation…

I’m thinking about that now as I hit the keys on this keyboard. My thoughts are creating the actions I’m taking by writing this. A thought precedes every action.

This is why thoughts are so important. They literally create your life. YOU create your life.

“What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.”

– Buddha

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