' Unforgettable ' Short Stories

If you love stories as much as we do, join our story of the month club, and get the best ‘Unforgettable Short Stories’ sent right to your mailbox every month.

Our stories are inspiring, thought-provoking stories. Our stories are love stories, funny stories, heartwarming stories, suspenseful and sometimes even thrilling stories. 

Every month you will receive an unforgettable story chosen from hundreds of emerging or well-known writers. Our story of the month selection will be a beautifully written, irresistible page-turner.  We will send you only the stories we love.

And the best part is, it’s free! Just enjoy. And if you like, send us an email letting us know your favorites. Or send in your own story and we may publish it to our website! 


The Wondering

It’s the wondering that never ends. It never stops. Not for a single minute. It’s always there. Sometimes vivid. Sometimes it’s buried. Buried under the


Join Our 'Unforgettable'
Story of the Month Club

Submission Guidelines for Unforgettable Short Stories:

We accept submissions through email only year-round. We do not accept paper submissions. Your manuscript must be submitted in a Word .docx file. Your submission must be substantially free from grammatical errors. We only accept stories in English.

All manuscripts must be between one and 5 pages, and no less than 300 words and no more than 3,000 words. All manuscripts should be in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, edited for grammar and spelling and sequentially numbered pages. Use standard size 12 Times Roman font or similar.

We accept simultaneous submissions if you are the sole author of the manuscript, and you have full legal ownership and complete authority to grant us permission to display your story on our website.

The author’s name, telephone number, and email address should be typed at the top of the first page. You may include a brief (one paragraph) biography if you would like it noted with your story. At this time, we do not pay writers/authors for their submissions, and we do not charge viewers on our website to read your story.

By submitting a story to us, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. By submitting a work to us, you guarantee you are the owner of the copyright to that work. Upon submitting your story to us, you agree to grant and DreamLife Pathways, Inc.  non-exclusive license to publish the work. Send your submission to:

If you would like a response to your submission, please state this in your email and we will send a brief response indicating why your story will be or will not be used on our website. We will not give critiques or reviews of your submission.

What We Look For:

A well-written story with a good plot, interesting characters, and unexpected events. A story that contains conflict, tension, mystery, suspense, drama, romance, humor–any or all of it. We look for uniqueness, believability, intrigue, and great dialogue. Our stories must be complete with a beginning, middle, and ending.

Although we love growing and learning, our intent with the Story of the Month Club is to bring interesting entertainment to our readers, therefore we are not accepting horror or strong themes in politics, racism, or religion (spiritual is encouraged).

Thank you for your submission and for joining the Unforgettable Short Story Club.

We accept submissions through email only year-round. We do not accept paper submissions. Your manuscript must be submitted in a Word .docx file. Your submission must be substantially free from grammatical errors. We only accept stories in English.

All manuscripts must be between one and 5 pages, and no less than 300 words and no more than 3,000 words. All manuscripts should be in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, edited for grammar and spelling and sequentially numbered pages. Use standard size 12 Times Roman font or similar.

We accept simultaneous submissions if you are the sole author of the manuscript, and you have full legal ownership and complete authority to grant us permission to display your story on our website.

The author’s name, telephone number, and email address should be typed at the top of the first page. You may include a brief (one paragraph) biography if you would like it noted with your story. At this time, we do not pay writers/authors for their submissions, and we do not charge viewers on our website to read your story.

By submitting a story to us, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. By submitting a work to us, you guarantee you are the owner of the copyright to that work. Upon submitting your story to us, you agree to grant and DreamLife Pathways, Inc.  non-exclusive license to publish the work. Send your submission to:

If you would like a response to your submission, please state this in your email and we will send a brief response indicating why your story will be or will not be used on our website. We will not give critiques or reviews of your submission.

What We Look For:

A well-written story with a good plot, interesting characters, and unexpected events. A story that contains conflict, tension, mystery, suspense, drama, romance, humor–any or all of it. We look for uniqueness, believability, intrigue, and great dialogue. Our stories must be complete with a beginning, middle, and ending.

Although we love growing and learning, our intent with the Story of the Month Club is to bring interesting entertainment to our readers, therefore we are not accepting horror or strong themes in politics, racism, or religion (spiritual is encouraged).

Thank you for your submission and for joining the Unforgettable Short Story Club.