Become an Author and Change Your Life!


It’s time. Maybe you want to write your book, but you don’t know how, or you’ve started writing and got stuck. You have been thinking about it, talking about it, and wanting to write that book for a while.

Now you are ACTUALLY ready to Write That Book Now! and my team and I are here to make sure you get it finished. This is the ‘everything you need’, hand-holding course for beginning writers and writers who need to start from scratch.

This course is the only one of its kind. Most writing programs give you the online course and then you’re left to figure it out by yourself. But we walk with you each step of the way.

Write That Book Now! is a hand holding course. And we are proud of it. We know you may need a little extra pushing, and maybe some extra care along the way. That’s okay. We’re happy to do it.


Whether you are writing a fiction or a non-fiction book, writing is not easy. But if you have someone to help you through it, someone who’s done it, writing can be fun and exciting.

Write That Book Now! is a New Author Course Online for $900. During this course, you will receive everything you need to go from your awesome idea to an awesome finished book!

You will meet with your instructor, writer Sabrina Norman (author of 3 published books, several noteworthy stage plays and continual contributor to popular magazines), twice a week online. There, you will delve into each week’s module extensively. The course work will be clearly explained in small increments.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get real-time answers and guidance to help you understand the process. There will  be workbooks and homework to help you stay on track.

You will also meet with and hear from newly published authors who will give you tips and inside information on what to do and what not to do as a new author.

Additionally, Sabrina will be writing her fourth book right along with you so you will be able to see inside each step of the process as she goes. This is all real-time learning as you are actually writing your book too.


You may want to write a book because you love to write, you have a story that needs to be told or you have some information the world needs. 

Here are some of the many reasons to write a book:  (all of this is covered in the course)

  1. Create a business around the subject of your book
  2. Create a Speaking Platform and give talks
  3. Use your book to brand your business
  4. Use your book to change lives and help others
  5. Use your book to grow your social media network
  6. Use your book to build your credibility as an expert in your field
  7. Use your book to start your author business and keep writing!

Now is the time to do it.  Again, we want to make sure you get everything you need to make it to The End.     

The next  WRITE THAT BOOK NOW! course  STARTS in May 2024

To download the ‘Write That Book Online Course’ Syllabus, click here